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How to Auto Turn Off iPhone Wi-Fi When You Away from Home
Since the iPhone may auto-connect to some of their Wi-Fi networks or it needs the mobile Data. Most of the people keep their Wi-Fi on during Home hours but things are just opposite and your Device may not be safer outside. If your Wi-Fi turned on the whole day it will lead to the battery draining on your iPhone lead to the weakening of battery health in the long run. So it would be better for you to turn it off manually all the time that might be not possible for you.
You can do a variety of tasks using shortcut automation Here is how to auto turn off on the iPhone using shortcut animation. Make sure your iPhone runs IOS 13. Open the shortcut method and tap on the automation tap from the bottom. Tap + button on the right corner by choosing the create Personal Automation. Now you have to choose to leave under the travel section from the next window. Tap choose from the next page by selecting any to run this automation at any time of the day. Select location by setting the radius and Tap Done.
You can also use IFTTT to trigger short cut fir doing various Tasks on multiple platforms so by using IFTTT you can do various tasks on your iPhone for making auto turn Wi-Fi on your iPhone while going outside of your Home. You need to follow a few steps for turning off your iPhone automatically.
Open shortcut app by creating a shortcut method choose rename option and provide the name of your Location Wi-Fi. Choose to add the action by searching wifi and then choose to set Wi-Fi action and Turn Wi-Fi off. Tap Done. Are you having any trouble while doing all these steps Go to iPhone repair shop to take the services for you.